Is The Best Wizzer for Weed From Kmart or Big W?

Kmart wizzer and coffee grinder

In Australia, over the course of time, weed smokers have always chopped the herb by using scissors, hand grinders or finger mulling. As this can take time, Aussies have gravitated to using appliances such as coffee grinders aka “wizzers” to do the job. Australians love using coffee or herb grinders as this saves time and …

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Rediscovering Nimbin: The Cannabis Central of Australia

In this short video, we rediscover Nimbin and the magic the town brings to those who visit. This place is an amazing little town that is pro cannabis, with lots of people from Nimbin having a strong passion for the plant. If your looking for cannabis friendly Australians. But nowadays you must be extra weary …

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Medical Cannabis in Australia

Currently in Australia, only a “defined group of patients” have the ability to use medicinal cannabis for treatment, even for “severe intractable epilepsy”. As the government continues along the lengthy procedures of changing the legislation for better legal medical cannabis for patients in need, many are still forced to seek medical cannabis from the black …

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